Guess what? There’s a lot of drama surrounding the Hugo nominations. At first glance, this seems like a big deal. After all, I’m a genre writer. This is kind of the award for us, it’s our Oscars, right? It’s all the recognition from peers that matters to us, to validate our writing. Not only that,…
Author: Frog
Win a Kindle by Being A Terrible Writer: The Grant-Frog Style Guide
So, many times at cons, we authors are asked to read things and evaluate them. Most of the time the work needs polishing, but is pretty good. Occasionally, though, we get handed something that makes The Eye of Argon look like frickin’ Tolkein. But here’s what’s interesting: when we authors talk about it, the unintentional…
Ok, ok. I have tried to be calm. I have tried to deal with the fact that a great many of my people are reacting in a completely irresponsible manner to the problems confronting us. #Gamergate and the bullshit that surrounds it, the 4channers, the trolls; these people are nowhere near in the right. But…
A Larger Perspective: In response to the response to Scott Aaronsen
Before you read this post, read this. Let’s put the comment into context, first. Few of the other commenter’s on Dr. Aaronsen’s comment take it in the context of the full conversation, so let me attempt to outline this one. There was an MIT professor, a Prof. Lewin, who committed sexual harassment. Well, was alleged,…
On the Value of Surrender
On January 1st, 2014, I posted the following to my Facebook: 2011 wasn’t great, so on January 1, 2012 I was all “bring it on, New Year.” 2012 was worse, so on January 1, 2013, I was all “Woo! Done with that!” 2013 has been the worst year of my adult life. This year,…
A winnar is me.
Esther is just behind me in this, but I figured I’d post my thingy to be all thingy now. So, I won Nano. And I feel cheesy even saying that. “Win” is a word that usually refers to a competition. It implies that I somehow accomplished something. But as I said in an earlier post,…
On Shirtgate, and the response thereto.
Let me begin by stating that this is Frog writing, not Esther, and my thoughts are not necessarily our thoughts. This one is all me, she can respond if she so chooses. The shirt thing is getting crazy. There’s an inflationary thing the internet does, where one person has a thought that might make coherent sense, and it is…
Halfway through Nano
So, this weekend marks the midpoint of November. It also marks the half-way point on my NaNoWriMo word count. I’m recovering after Orycon, which set me back in my word count, but I’ve managed to make up ground this weekend. So far, I’m learning some things from the experience. I’ll try and condense it down,…
The Best Writing Advice I Ever Received, or This Article Is Full Of It
For a website supposedly devoted to helping writers become authors, they certainly have a really strange way of showing it. In the summer of 2012, we had just submitted Grace Under Fire for consideration. We attended Spocon, where the madness began. There, I received the greatest piece of writing advice ever given to me. For those of you…
Orycon 36:
Just got back from Orycon 36. Interesting con. To begin with, Esther had to take a different car entirely. She got last-minute notice of a job interview. Now, as much as we’d like to blow off having a day job in favor of being rich and famous authors, we’re not exactly there yet. So she had to…